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Black History Celebrates Those Past and Present.

As we take the time to honor many prominent African Americans of yesterday, we must also recognize those right in our communities.

Barbers like those in Baltimore, Md in a shop called Davis Barbers. This family and community barbershop has been open for years, and is a testament to what hard work, a strong community and professionalism can bring. The barbers many of whom have the same name, Larry, have served their community for years often providing service to grandfathers, fathers and grandsons, like my very own family. The history of barbershops in the black community and the power and strength they have bought along with providing a service has and continues to make history. Take time to celebrate your local barbers, and donate books to their business for kids to read.

Read the book, Uncle Jeds Barbershop to learn a little history along with a young reader. Uncle Jed, the only black barber in town. In a time of segregation (colored bathrooms and hospitals) and economic downfall known as the Great Depression, Uncle Jed saved and dreamed of the day when he would open his own shop. Many did not believe it was capable since most were sharecroppers in the South. When the main character, Sarah Jean in this book needed an operation, but had no money, Uncle Jed gave up his savings to help, thus causing him to start saving all again. Despite several other obstacles in his way, Uncle Jed showed determination, will, and persistence. It may have taken him forever to reach his goal, but even at 79, dreams can come true. Read this story to learn about this barber and the power of believing. Click the link below to purchase.

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