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It is that time of year when students head back to school and begin their journey of academia once more. Teachers are undoubtedly going over rules, expectations and getting to know students. Here are few books that will surely reinforce some of those concepts and get your year off to a great start.

The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig introduces students to a young boy who feels invisible due to bullying and feeling excluded from activities. That is until he meets a friend who is new to the class. Suddenly this emerging friendship adds joy and color to the young man’s life. This is a great class addition to address bullying and the power of friendship and class communities.

Growth Mindsets are needed for student to persevere and seeing challenges as opportunities. Julia Cook does a great job of teaching about the power of having a growth vs fixed mind in her book, Bubble Gum Brain.

Mr. Peabody's Apples was written by Madonna. In this book, Mr. Peabody, a teacher and coach is accused of stealing apples. This causes many people to leave him alone. When the issue is finally addressed, his accuser realizes that they never had all of the facts before spreading the rumor. What an awesome book about telling the truth, not spreading rumors and the power of words.

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