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Imagine being attacked by your own father and running for your life. Now imagine facing issues in school and running from your problems by fighting and lashing out. Now imagine joining a team only to discover that running and being great takes work, reflection and acknowledgement. Some things you just can't run from; they must be addressed.

All of these themes and topics arise in this well written middle grade novel entitled, Ghost. This book follows a young boy as he learns to accept himself, build meaningful relationships and trust, all the while training as a part of a track team with goals of being the greatest. Author, Jason Reynolds does it again by providing a story that is easy to follow and one in which readers can relate or at least sympathize with the characters. Whether you see yourself running from things so fast as if you are Ghost or find that you are trying to hide problems and pain as if they were a ghost; there is something in this book for everyone. Reynolds pulls together an amazing cast of characters all joined on a track team with a past and present that has them synced like an Olympic Track Team.

This book is followed by two additional books, Pattina and Sunny which delve deeper into the track team and each character's story. Join the race to read this awe-inspiring book by clicking on the pic below.

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